Monday, December 7, 2009

Protection aspect of Canadian involvement in Afghanistan: Drogues+ Justice

People must be in favor of the Canadian involvement in Afghanistan because of one main aspect: protection. The Canadian army has been in Afghanistan since the 9/11 attacks. They aren't there to only protect the city, but also to defend their drugs production and try to manage the justice established. Drugs production in Afghanistan ( the opium ) represents 95% of the world's production of that drug, which becomes very important to defend because without the presence of the Canadian army, Talibans could control very easily the manufacture which results in the control of almost all the world's drugs. The other side of the protection mission is to try to upgrade the justice level in Afghanistan . Canadians are trying to contribute with helping women with the illegality justice level between the members of the society issues , which means that women doesn't have rights in the society. If the Canadian armory wasn't in Afghanistan , Talibans would take possession of the territory and the drugs production manufacture , so the Talibans would be in control of the most universally sold product. So think about it , is it better to have volunteers of our country defending Afghanistan , or let a group of Taliban take the absolute possession of the country?

Dany Naaman


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