Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Opinion Post: Security Strategy

In the world, there are many problems related to rogue regimes and extremely different value systems. This type of conflict influences the vast plurality of countries around the globe and is very present in the Middle-East. Notably, the Taliban is a cause of this turmoil. Therefore, for the interests of the free world, countries like Canada and its close allies must intervene militarily. Islamis movements like the Taliban and its allies are, partly because of their very different values, hostile toward Western culture and states, and have demonstrated their strong will to attack western interests around them and abroad. Canada has a role to play in the prevention of such acts of terror. In this case, the best response is the military suppression of these terror groups, as they are not open to negotiation. Furthermore, we must remember the global conflicts surrounding the nuclear bomb. Pakistan, Afghanistan's direct neighbour to the East, possesses it. If the Taliban were left unscathed, it's rapid growth could easily enable it to overthrow Pakistan's government, as it already strongholds in that country's tribal mountain regions. The power over nuclear weapons in the hands of Islamist terror groups would immediately plunge the world into a deep security crisis. One way or another, the events following an immediate withdrawal of Canada's and its alliance's forces from Afghanistan could take centuries of recovery. Canada must remain until Afghanistan is ready to fight its own battles.

Greg Wise

Main source: Byers, M. (2006) Afghanistan: Wrong Mission for Canada Retrieved november 25th 2009, from The Tyee

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